Friday 26th of April 2024
Headlines : * Dhaka denounces US State Department`s 2023 human rights report   * PM pays courtesy call on Thai King & Queen   * PM urges world leaders to say `no` to wars   * Heat wave sweeping across the country, may continue   * Secondary schools, colleges to open Sunday   * 155 killed in Tanzania as heavy rains cause floods, landslides   * Heatstroke kills 30 in Thailand this year as kingdom bakes   * UN report says 282 million people faced acute hunger in 2023, with the worst famine in Gaza   * Settle disputes through dialogue, say `no` to wars: PM at UNESCAP meet   * BGB sends back 288 security personnel to Myanmar  

The second wave of corona "seasonal viral fever problems and remedies
  Date : 26-04-2024

Dr. Md Mahtab Hossain Mazed


The second wave of the Corona epidemic has begun. Many are saying again, the first wave in our country is not over yet. Whatever you say, the coronavirus is still a terror in our lives. This panic is multiplied if there is a patient at home with a complex disease. Corona is a terrible contagious virus. It can spread from one person to another in the fastest time through touch and breathing. And the virus can easily infect those who have low immunity. Fever, colds and coughs are one of them. Sneezing and coughing are not new at the time of the change of seasons, but it is important to be aware of climate change during the coronary period. Dr. MM Mazed, a prominent homeopathic researcher in Bangladesh, writes in his column ....Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during the cold season. This fever is quickly transmitted from one person to another by the virus. However, with some precautions, it is possible to prevent such viral fever. As a result of infection with the virus, this cold-fever can last up to seven days. This fever gets better quickly by taking medicines and nutritious food.Viruses and bacteria are becoming more active in such weather. Due to which the incidence of fever and cold-cough is increasing With pain throughout the body However, there is nothing to panic about Fever caused by the virus usually gets better within seven days. But be careful not to get cold suddenly

 Symptoms of seasonal viral fever: -Mainly fever, some people come to the doctor with the symptoms of headache, cold, anorexia, nausea, cough. However, the number of children among the victims is higher. At this time the ears may be closed due to cold. There may also be pain in the ears with ear closure. These cases should be treated quickly. Many times children

I have a bad cold. Some children may have a fever of up to 104 degrees Fahrenheit. However, in adults, the fever may not be as severe.

* Sudden fever comes and lasts for seven days. Fever is up to 102-103 degrees Fahrenheit.

* Body temperature rises a lot. This fever is accompanied by severe headaches. Unbearable pain in the body, arms, legs and body muscles.

* Most of the time there is cold-cough with fever in the body. The nose is closed instead of the air of nature; Water falls through the nose.

* Loss of taste in the mouth reduces hunger and nausea. In the case of children, the face becomes red.

★ Suggestions: -

* Fever should never be allowed to increase. To control the fever, the whole body should be wiped with a soft cloth soaked in lukewarm water.

* Special care should be taken so that it does not get cold suddenly If you have a fever, you should take a bath at the same time every day without stopping the bath. Wipe hair and body water well so that it does not get cold again.

* Daily eating and drinking should be kept normal. Nutritious food increases the body`s resistance to disease, for that you need to eat nutritious food. At this time of winter you can have color tea with ginger-lemon combination.

* The sick person should get adequate rest. Many people do not feel thirsty in winter. And because of this the amount of drinking water also decreases. Although it is very important to drink enough water to prevent disease. So to stay healthy, drink enough water even if you are not thirsty in winter. You should refrain from eating outside food as much as possible.

Homeopathy is a symptomatic medical science. There is no value in the name of the disease. Therefore, fever medicine should be selected according to the symptoms of fever; Not according to the name of the fever. Fever is called bird flu, typhoid, malaria, dengue or kala-azar - it doesn`t matter if the medicine in homeopathy can match the symptoms of fever, it will also get rid of the virus fever or typhoid or any other name fever. When the fever is too high, do not take medicine. This may increase the heat of the fever. Therefore, when the fever of fever is somewhat reduced, then medicine should be taken. However, in all fevers the temperature is the same 

Continues, the heat never diminishes; He has to take medicine even in high temperature for all fevers. If the temperature of the fever is very high, then cold water should be poured on the head along with the medicine, the body should be wiped frequently by soaking in a towel. There are some fevers (such as viral fever) that do not come under control in less than a day, two days or three days. In that case, do not stop feeding the medicine that is applicable to the symptoms.

Do not change the medicine unnecessarily thinking that the choice of medicine is wrong because the fever is not reduced. Yes, if the symptoms change, start taking the medicine that matches the new symptoms. Aconite fed as the fever started with symptoms such as extreme heat, restlessness, fear of death, etc .; After two days it was seen that the patient has gone away with the symptoms of restlessness, fear of death etc., he is lying unconscious, now he should stop Aconite and start feeding gelsium. Drink sugar lemon juice with other normal foods frequently; Weakness will not be able to come in the body. If a fever patient wants to eat something strange and it is not harmful to him, he should be allowed to eat. For example, if someone has a gastric ulcer with a fever and he wants to eat a lemon, it can be given a couple of times, but not more than that.

Homeopathy: -

Aconite: - Aconite is the number one fever medicine in homeopathy. Whatever the disease (fever-cough-diarrhea-dysentery-abdominal pain-headache-shortness of breath, etc.), if it appears to be severe from the beginning, Aconite is the number one medicine.

 Aconite can be compared to a hurricane-tornado-severe but transient. If the fever also starts suddenly in a severe form, take Aconite. You can eat aconite for all the fevers that start or increase slowly. Even if the fever is not completely cured, at least ninety percent will come under control. You can later apply other medications according to the symptoms. Symptoms of aconite fever are fever that starts from the very beginning with extreme heat, the patient becomes restless, the fever is so severe that the patient is scared to death. If you take aconite from the onset of any fever, the fever will be at least one-hundredth of a degree, and the fever will not get worse. Yes, stop taking aconite when the fever is low, that is, when the intensity of the fever is low. If the fever subsides after Aconite application but does not heal completely, then you can take a couple of doses of Sulfur medicine.

* Bryonia: - The main symptom of Bryonia fever is dryness of the lips, tongue and throat of the patient.And there is a lot of water thirst and the patient drinks a lot of cold water together for a long time. The patient dislikes darkness and movement; Due to this his suffering increases. Constipation occurs i.e. the bowel becomes stiff. The patient`s mood is very bad and he prefers to be alone (because he may have to move when he is near people, which will increase his pain). During delirium, they talk about professional work all day. * Ras Tox: The main symptom of Ras Tox fever is extreme restlessness. The patient suffers from such instability that he cannot stay in one position for long. The patient`s coldness is so great that he feels as if someone is pouring cold water on him with a bucket. There is a lot of pain in the body and it feels good to twist the body. For this reason, even though he is lying down, he keeps moving and moving from side to side. Ras Tox is the number one medicine for any fever during rainy season, hot weather or wet air. Ras Tox fever usually increases during the night. The body cannot be wiped by taking a bath in cold water or soaking a towel in cold water while eating Ras Tox. Because in cold water, the action of Ras Tox is lost. For this you have to use lukewarm water.

* Beledona: Beledona medicine is applied based on three symptoms, namely, fever, redness and burning sensation. If the fever is high, if the face or eyes are red with fever, if there is a severe headache with fever, or if the patient is dizzy with fever, Belladonna

 Sure to rescue. Belladonna fever usually appears in a sudden severe form and the patient begins to rave very quickly with the severity of the fever. The patient sees all the horrible things, tries to escape in fear and often becomes deadly.

* Gelsimium: The main symptom of gelsimium fever is that the patient has more sleepiness, the patient falls unconscious-unconscious-unconscious. You can see high fever but the patient is sleeping with runny nose. Gelsium fever causes dizziness, body aches, body aches and weakness. The patient is unable to move due to excessive weakness and the body trembles when he moves a little. There is no thirst during fever.

* Baptisia: - Baptisia has a very good reputation as a medicine for typhoid fever. One of the symptoms of this medicine is drunkenness, round eyes, headache, sore throat and tingling pain all over the body. The pain in the pati


Weakness is more than unimaginable. It feels heavy up to the eyelids. Very lack of consciousness. For example, if the doctor asks something, the patient falls asleep before answering. In no case can the patient fix his attention. The patient thinks his body is two; Again he thinks his body is lying on the bed in pieces and he tries to put the pieces together.

* Arsenic Elb: - If the disease is accompanied by a disease in a specific part of the body, there is a wound-wound-decomposition, there is extreme instability and fear of death in the patient, then the application of arsenic will have magical results. The patient has a cold outside but burns inside. Crazy to drink hot water but take a couple of sips while eating. Don`t forget to take arsenic if you have a fever or any other problem after eating stale food.

* Viretram viridi: - The symptoms of Viretrum viridi fever are as severe as aconite. However, it has more chest palpitations and a beautiful red spot in the middle of the tongue.

* Pulsatilla: - The main symptom of pulsatilla fever is dry throat but no thirst for water. Other symptoms include chills, drowsiness, and increased fever around two or three in the afternoon. One part of the body is hot and the other part is cold. Feels annoying in a hot, light-airless, closed room. He has burns on his hands, so he tries to keep them in a cool place on the bed. Likes cold air, cold food, cold water. This is especially true for people who are emotional and cry a little.

* Antim tart: -

 The main symptom of antimony tart fever is that there must be some stomach problem with the fever. The main symptoms of this fever are a thick white layer on the tongue and nausea. Moreover, there may be weakness, trembling inside the body, drowsiness, a lot of phlegm inside the chest, etc.

* Farram Fos: - Ferram Fos medicine can be used at the beginning of any fever to get good results. Ferram foss usually works well for those who suffer from cowardice, sensitivity and anemia.

* Mark Sol: - The main symptom of Mark Sol medicine fever is excessive sweating but the patient does not get relief. Because fever will go down with sweat, this is normal but not called fever. Moreover, sweat has a foul odor or sweet smell. The patient is crazy for cold water. The fever increases at night. Increases saliva in the mouth. Anyone who has yellow spots on their clothes due to sweat

Mark Sol is beneficial in the disease. Mark Sol is the first person to think about the fever caused by climate change.

* Netram Muer: -Netram Muer is effective in cold fever and all the fevers which are completely cured and reappear (intermittent fever / malaria). Netram Muir has a severe headache with fever. Blisters on the lips. Usually fever comes from 9 am to 1 am and comes one day in a row.

* Phosphorus: The main symptom of phosphorus fever is that the patient wants to drink ice cold water, burns on the palms of the hands and is afraid to be alone. Moreover, it seems that heat is coming out from the spine, there is palpitations and anxiety. The fever increases in the evening. In the evening the patient is very restless.

* Phosphoric acid: -

 A patient with phosphoric acid fever is like a fool, he has no idea what is going on around him. The patient does not want to talk. Fever is accompanied by diarrhea and sometimes severe diarrhea. Excessive gas accumulates in the stomach. These symptoms are usually seen in people who become weak due to excessive sexual intercourse. ★ Sulfur: - The main symptom of sulfur fever is burning sensation in the patient`s legs at night. As a result, while sleeping, he puts his legs out of the two lap-kantha. Moreover, there is enough thirst and the fever increases around 11 am. Different parts of the body become hot at different times.

* China: -China fever is intermittent fever so that once the fever rises and then the fever is completely cured and then the fever rises again (like malaria). The fever comes every day or one day in a row but one hour before. For example, if the fever came at ten o`clock yesterday, it will come today at nine o`clock in the morning and tomorrow it will come at eight o`clock in the morning. There are three chapters of fever- severe cold, fever and profuse sweating. Malaria in China

The fever never comes at night.

* Eupatorium Perfo: - Eupatorium Perfo is mainly used for dengue fever. Because it has severe body pain like dengue fever. There is so much pain in the body that it seems as if someone has beaten all the bones of the body to powder. Usually there is more pain in the back, head, chest, limbs and wrists. Whatever water or food enters the stomach causes vomiting. Wants to eat ice cream or cold water. The patient is very restless, unable to sit still for a moment. If there is severe body pain even with influenza or seasonal virus fever, eupatorium is applicable.

* Thuja: Thuja is an incomparable medicine in any vaccine (BCG, DPT, polio, etc.) due to fever. Moreover, if someone dreams of `falling over` with a fever, whatever the name may be, Thuja will cure him.

* Chininam Sulph: -

Chininam sulph is applicable to all fevers which are very time consuming, i.e. they rise and fall on the clock. The headache comes from the back of the head to the forehead. It is useful in a type of severe malaria fever called black water fever, which causes red or black urine. A major symptom of chininum sulfur is a swelling of a blood vessel during a cold before shivering.

* Sambukas nigra: - The main symptom of sambukas nigra in fever is that the patient`s body is dry and hot during sleep but when he wakes up he starts sweating profusely and the body becomes cold. If coughing or any other illness has these symptoms,


  Applying sambukas will cure it.

* Indigo: -Indigo usually works well in case of fever due to worm infestation. It is forbidden to feed any worm medicine to pregnant women.

* Opium: Usually if there is any disease due to fear, good results can be obtained by applying opium. Similarly, due to fear of fever, opium should be applied to it. Many more medicines may come on the symptoms, so do not use the medicine on your own, consult an experienced doctor, finally the corona infection is a little more than before. So everyone has to wear a mask. The government has to do whatever it takes to ensure wearing the mask. Otherwise, if the infection suddenly increases, then the problem may occur. Prevention is a better solution than treatment.


Author: Dr. Muhammad Mahtab Hossain Majed is the Editor and publisher, Daily Health Information

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